Please read the instructions below to enter the Store
- The ACVA Store consists of three decades worth of downloadable MP3s presented by internationally recognized authorities on Vedic astrology. These MP3s may be purchased individually or in pre-packaged bundles associated with the certification programs taught at ACVA.
- The ACVA Store is the place for you to pay your tuition.
- The ACVA certification exam guides cover topics you should be familiar with in order to pass the exams. They now offered free of charge for students of ACVA, and also available for purchase to those who are studying on their own.
- When ready, you may purchase the examination fee, and be on your way to an internationally recognized professional title: ‘Jyotisha Ratna’, or ‘Jyotisha Prabhakara’.
How to pay at the Store
MP3s, Exam Guides and Digital Books:
Choose and add to your cart. Once purchased, you will receive your receipt and will be allowed to download.
The most popular courses are our Jyotisha Ratna™ and Jyotisha Prabhakara™ courses.
Here is an example of ‘How to sign up at the Store’.
- Enter the Store.
- Access Jyotisha Ratna™ courses from the Category column on the left side.
- You will see a list of courses 101-110 offered as part of the Jyotisha Ratna™ Certification program.
Current price structure:
- A payment of $360.00 for Course 101 will admit you to the College. Your enrollment in Course 101 includes your access to Course 102, but you need to sign in for 102 at a $0 cost.
- You will be enrolled in Course 102 after you complete Course 101. This pricing applies to every pair purchased by you.
- The 10 courses in the Jyotisha Ratna™ or Jyotisha Prabhakara™ program must be taken in sequence, after which you may then purchase and pass the Certification Exam to be certified and receive the related Title.
- For more information about this and other courses offered, you may contact ACVA at

Paypal user policies for your reference.
Store Policies
The following applies to all purchases made from the ACVA Store, including learning materials for courses. Effective Date: Nov 22, 1999
Intellectual property. All trademarks, logos, service marks, and copyrighted material contained on this Web site (marks) are the property of the American College of Vedic Astrology™. You are not permitted to use any marks without ACVA’s express written permission. The term American College of Vedic Astrology ™, ACVAOnline™, Vedic Astrology Coaching ™ (VAC), Jyotisha Online Instruction™ and the associated logos are service marks of the American College of Vedic Astrology™, registered USPTO.
- All sales of products are final.
- Prices for products offered may change at any time, and we do not provide price protection or refunds under any circumstances.
Prior to purchase, please note that there are no refunds, and if you have questions, contact our Registrar at via email or avail of our Contact Us form.