Vedic astrology is an analysis and forecasting system, based on astronomical data, that allows its practitioners to carefully assess and understand behavior, to measure the effects of the past, the influence of the present and the tendency of events to unfold in the future.
Vedic Astrology:
The Ancient Knowledge of Behavior and Time from India
The oldest and most important scriptures in all of India, if not the world, are called the Vedas, a Sanskrit word meaning “knowledge”. The Vedas are called “apaursheya”, or beyond the realm of man and time. According to the tenets of Vedic philosophy, the Vedas were not authored but documented by seers or ancient wisemen called “rishis”, who in a state of expanded awareness, cognized the mechanics of creation. Vedic Astrology comes from this ancient work (hence the use of the word Vedic). Jyotisha or Jyotish is the actual Sanskrit name for Vedic Astrology and means the “eye or light of nature”. It describes the ability of an astrologer to view the mechanics of people’s behavior, as well as the projected cycles and outcomes of time and events.

The Purpose of Vedic Astrology
The purpose of Vedic Astrology is to avoid problems before they arise. The aphorism, “Pull weeds early” describes a major purpose of astrology. Another quote from India states, “If you want to get rid of a snake, get rid of it when it is really small”. In fact, Patanjali, a famous Indian philosopher who wrote the “Yoga Sutras”, stated that it was important to know how to “avoid the danger which has not yet come”. A good astrologer uses the tools of Vedic Astrology to forecast the times to promote events in one’s life or to pull back, recognizing the indications pointing to some obvious serious risk.